Wednesday, 21 September 2016

This week in Nursery we have been learning all about ourselves and our families. We have created a lovely class picture showing who lives in our houses and have all enjoyed playing in the home corner, especially making Mrs Wilson and Mrs Hayton delicious meals!

We have also looked at what makes us different and what makes us the same, We spoke about where we like to play in Nursery, what we do on the weekend and what we like to eat! We are continuing to build our friendships and are all becoming super when following nursery routines, we are developing our tidy up skills!

Looking at our finger prints!

Making music!

Following our interests and making friends!

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Here are some photos showcasing our interests from the first two weeks of Nursery!

Outdoor play:

Play dough baking:

Making new friends:

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Following the storms last night some of the children's were inspired by the lightening and flashes to make some beautiful art!

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Welcome back to all our returning families and a big warm welcome to our new families starting this week. The children have all had a fantastic time so far and have been superb at learning nursery routines in our lovely new building!