Thursday 3 December 2015

This week in nursery has been very exciting! We had a surprise visitor who sneaked into our class when we were out eating our dinner! We found lots of clues around nursery including a hat, a present, white foot prints and even a letter! Together we read the letter, looked at all the clues and thought about who it could be!

We decided it was Santa!
We thought about how we could be sure it was Santa and it was suggested to look at a camera or film!
We were so lucky that Santa had been caught on camera in our very own nursery! We all watched Santa explore our class and even wave to us!

This has inspired us to do some fantastic learning! Lots of children drew their own footsteps on the path out side. Some decided to draw pictures or write to Santa asking him to come back!
Many children were fascinated by the present which said 'do not open surprise inside!'

They all wanted to know what was inside!
We discussed what it could be and tried hard to explain and extend our answers using 'and' and 'because'. We drew pictures and wrote some lovely writing explain what we thought was in the present and why.